Timothy Hutton, Joely Richardson, Rainn Wilson. Sci-fi adventure. Directed by Bob Shaye.
FILM SYNOPSIS: Two children discover a mysterious box that contains strange devices they think are toys. As the children play with these “toys,” they begin to display higher and higher intelligence levels. The little girl tells her mother that the beat-up stuffed rabbit, named Mimzy, “teaches me things.” Mimzy, it turns out, has a serious message for all of mankind. The stuffed animal has been sent from the future to help us now and to gain something that will help mankind in the future. PREVIEW REVIEW: Some films use Eastern or New Age philosophies as mere fantasy, while others seem to incorporate those concepts as part of an agenda. It seems that is the case with The Last Mimzy, an E.T.-like adventure that bombards both the kids in the film as well as those watching it, with metaphysical beliefs, including reincarnation, palm reading, transcendental meditation, telekinesis and levitation. These didn’t seem mere props to further a kid’s fantasy, but rather a part of the writer’s own pursuit of spiritual truth. If that is not the case, the inclusion of those concepts is no less alarming. Now here’s the territory that usually generates a smirk from those who consider the inclusion of such themes into children’s films as harmless. For me to say we need to be on guard concerning what Hollywood stuffs into the minds of little ones is often ridiculed by those who think they are more open-minded to such thematic tools. Well, I don’t suggest that your little ones will suddenly become pod people upon viewing a film about mind reading or levitation. I do pay attention, however, to biblical passages that suggest what we should put in our heads and what we shouldn’t. Although the Bible doesn't deal with these topics specifically, because they are relatively new terms, the ideas are certainly mentioned and forbidden. As Moses was relating the law to Israel, he told them to stay away from those with "familiar spirits" Lev 19:31. It is also stated that "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" I Sam 15:23. If biblical principles are a part of your children’s upbringing, then they will be able to reject false or misleading movie messages. But there also comes a time when we should refuse to support movies that dismiss biblical truths. “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22). “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11).
Very enjoyable. I have not read the book on which this film is actually based but I liked it. It was very well written and executed.
The Last Mimzy Online
Neetu said...
May 4, 2012 at 4:14:00 AM PDT