Marion Cotillard, Sylvi Testud Pacal Greggory, Emmanuelle Seigener, Jan-Paul Rouve, Clotidlde Courau, Gerard Depardieu. Written & directed by Oliver Dahan. Biography.
FILM SYNOPSIS: An impressionistic portrait of legendary chanteuse Edith Piaf, the film explores the singer’s rise to fame, despite tragedies and drug addiction. Known as La Mome Piaf (The Little Sparrow), Piaf’s life mirrored that of Judy Garland and Billie Holiday. Piaf remains, however, one of France’s icons, her voice one of the indelible signatures of the 20th Century. PREVIEW REVIEW: A powerful performance from the diminutive Marion Cotillard highlights this otherwise overwrought production of Edith Piaf’s life. Born into poverty, raised in a bordello, yanked away from a loving surrogate mother, forced to perform as a child to earn eating money, injured in a car accident that leaves her bent over and addicted to pills, finally finding true love, alas with a married family man who is killed in a plane crash, Piaf suffered a life with more ups and downs than Garland and Holiday combined. The nonlinear story is so wrought with tragedy that by film’s end, one wishes for the days of such musicals as The Sound of Music or even Funny Girl. At one point as a child, Edith sees a vision, a Saint Theresa, who promises to look after her. This seems to be her main connection to spiritual matters, until she seeks a psychic in order to make contact with her dead lover. This, as you can imagine, doesn’t do her much good. One can’t watch the film without realizing that life is full of challenges and bitter-sweetness. Even the rich and famous are unable to escape problems. And no matter how much they obtain, there’s just a little more outside their reach. Conclusion: Life is about more than gaining the whole world – or even the little cottage with the white picket fence. Life is a fleeting moment in time, an obstacle course filled with mountains and valleys. And each obstacle we face has to do with character development and faith. I’m not all that sure many will discern that philosophy as I’m not all the sure it was the director’s intent. It’s just something I’m reminded of whenever I see characters on the silver screen dealing with adversity. No matter who you are, problems are unavoidable. They’re meant to be a part of the life experience and give evidence that there is more to our stay here than obtaining self-glory.
Crap movie. I feeling really bad that I have wasted my time on this movie. It ruined my whole day. I suggest all to think before planning to watch it.
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Natalia said...
September 2, 2012 at 6:58:00 AM PDT