Animated comedy from Columbia Pictures. Voices of Shia LaBeouf, Zooey Deschanel, Jeff Bridges, Jon Hedder, James Woods, Mario Cantone, Jane Krakowski. Directed by Ash Brannon, Chris Buck.
FILM SYNOPSIS: Surf’s Up profiles teenage penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf), an up-and-coming surfer, as he enters his first pro competition. Followed by a camera crew to document his experiences, Cody leaves his family and home in Shiverpool, Antarctica to travel to Pen Gu Island for the Big Z Memorial Surf Off. Along the way, Cody meets surf nut Chicken Joe (Jon Heder), famous surf promoter Reggie Belafonte (James Woods), surf talent scout Mikey Abromowitz (Mario Cantone), and spirited lifeguard Lani Aliikai (Zooey Deschanel), all of whom recognize Cody’s passion for surfing. Cody believes that winning will bring him the admiration and respect he desires, but when he unexpectedly comes face to face with a washed-up old surfer named Geek (Jeff Bridges), Cody begins to find his own way, and discovers that a true winner isn’t always the one who comes in first. PREVIEW REVIEW: Remember Chicken Run? You know, the claymation comedy set at a chicken farm where a flock of hens are determined to fly the coop before meeting a fowl fate. With enough visually going on to keep little ones enthralled, it also contained sly, pun-riddled humor to keep the most anti-animation adult amused. And let’s not forget the sight gags. Picture a rooster in solitary, ala Steve McQueen’s Cooler Joe in The Great Escape. The expressive faces (chickens with teeth – is that great?), the pacing, adventure and witty dialogue make for a fun family movie outing. Well, Surf’s Up is no Chicken Run. Now, I admit, I’ve seen enough animated animal movies – especially ones about penguins. What’s up with all the penguin movies? You want to see a penguin movie – see March of the Penguins, which is an insightful and humorous look at life for these creatures in the Antarctic. It’s fascinating for kids and adults, alike. But enough with movies about penguins surfing or dancing. Surf’s Up is not clever or witty enough to be an inspirational parable. And with the distinct lack of laughter among the youngest crowd members at the screening, I have to say it’s not much of a kid’s comedy, either. The animation is top drawer, there are a few funny moments and the lesson of putting others first is clear and poignant, but considering how the studio has been putting its trailer in front of our captive eyes in theaters for the past year, I expected it to be at least as funny as Happy Feet. It isn’t.
This movie is surprisingly refreshing to me. I like the voice quality the most and a great option for the whole family. I can simply recommend this movie to anyone.
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Andrea said...
January 10, 2012 at 4:14:00 AM PST