Disney/Pixar animation with the voices of Angela Bassett, Jordan Fry, Tom Kenny, Harlan Williams, Adam West, Daniel Hansen, Tom Selleck. Family/Sci-fi adventure/fantasy. Directed by Stephan J. Anderson.

FILM SYNOPSIS: Lewis is an orphan, a creative 12-year-old inventor who dreams of finding a family. His journey takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious stranger named Wilbur Robinson whisks him away to a world where anything is possible…THE FUTURE. There, he meets an incredible assortment of characters and a family beyond his wildest imagination, the Robinsons, who help lead him on an amazing and hilarious adventure with heartfelt results. But while Lewis is experiencing the joy of family, he is also being perused by the dastardly Bowler Hat Guy, a villain bent on possessing one of Lewis’s latest inventions – the Memory Scanner.

PREVIEW REVIEW: There are few sounds greater than children laughing. And for a film critic who has suffered through many a mediocre kid’s movie, what a pleasure to feel the same joy the intended audience received from watching a film. Full of energy and humor, with an exceptional voice cast and a clever script that is part adventure, part parable, Meet the Robinsons delivers one of the best family films you’ll see this year.

Meet the Robinsons is being shown in 3-D in some theaters. Now, I want you to do yourself – and especially your kids – a favor. Go out of your way to see this one in 3-D. Trust me on this. You’ll be sending me notes of gratitude. It may be the best 3-D animation this reviewer has ever seen. The detail is eye-filling.

I felt good when I left the theater. I had just seen a family film that had more on its mind than just being rated G. I sensed the filmmakers were having a blast making this film and that they wanted to go the extra mile. They succeeded. Quite simply put, Meet the Robinsons is a winner for the entire family.

The best animated film since The Incredibles!

Buena Vista


A great movie with impressive animation. Its a perfect family based movie. The storyline is also nice and visuals are appealing.
hollywood actors

May 2, 2012 at 6:31:00 AM PDT  

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