Andy Samberg, Isla Fisher, Jorma Taccone, Bill Hader, with Sissy Spacek and Ian McShane. Comedy. Written by Pam Brady. Directed by Akiva Schaffer.

FILM SYNOPSIS: Amateur stuntman and professional slacker Rod Kimble (Andy Samberg) has a problem – his step-father Frank (Ian McShane) doesn’t respect him. And despite his efforts to win his favor, Rod can’t seem to penetrate Frank’s hard shell. But when Frank falls ill, it's up to Rod to stage the jump of his life in order to save his stepfather. The plan: Jump 15 buses, raise the money for Frank's heart operation, and then best him in a martial arts battle. Of course, nothing goes right for the ne’er-do-well.

PREVIEW REVIEW: Anybody remember Super Dave Osborn? He was the stone-faced comic who made his way playing a not-so-successful Evil Knievel. His dry wit was hysterical and he played his role with great intensity and sincerity. You’d see him begin some stunt that no one could possibly survive. And he never did. It was so obvious that he had been replaced by a dummy just before a pummeling collision. This added to the humor. Well, Rod Kimble and Hot Rod are kind of an update of this loser daredevil concept. It is also very funny. Keep in mind, however, that today dry wit is overshadowed by sophomoric crudity. Super Dave never swore, almost never made lewd remarks, and mostly steered clear of vulgar sexual terminology. So be forewarned. You will laugh, and ultimately there is a sweet spirit to the character and the production, but it is peppered with a coarseness that has replaced wit and inventiveness.

DVD Alternative: The Party. Peter Sellers stars as a good-hearted bumbler who accidentally destroys a movie set, and then manages to do the same to a fancy party given by the film’s producer. There are a few risqué moments, but it is pretty tame by today’s standards. And extremely funny and good-natured. Sellers is terrific.

Paramount Pictures


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