Samuel L. Jackson, Josh Hartnett, Alan Alda, Kathryn Morris, Terri Hatcher, Dakota Goyo. Written by Allison Burnett, Michael Bortman. Directed by Rod Lurie.

FILM SYNOPSIS: A struggling reporter finds a scoop – a onetime boxing champ now homeless, living on the streets. His slight detective work and his trust in the man’s retelling of his life leads to a disastrous outcome when the printed story in the LA Times is found to be false. Though it sullies his name and reputation, the humbling experience causes the reporter to reevaluate his character and the importance of truth in journalism and in personal relationships.

PREVIEW REVIEW: Fine performances from all (the best I’ve seen from Mr. Hartnett) and a message concerning the importance of honesty and how one lie leads to another, highlight this well-constructed, entertaining film. Alas, our Lord and Savior’s name is misused often, as the lead struggles to convey frustration and fear by shouting Christ’s name. I know I go on and on about the profane use of God’s name in movies, but it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. It’s not only irreverent, but though many people misuse it in real life, including most actors and writers, still it’s offensive and uncreative.

Yari Film Group


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